It is so very urgent that everyone understand how close we really are to the return of JESUS!

You might not be a believer but thats ok. JESUS loves you and wants you to know the truth.

GOD is real! Heaven is real! Hell is real! JESUS is the only way to Heaven! He died for you so you can be forgiven of your sins and have eternal life! Please accept his grace! Accept him into your life before its too late!

Look at the birth pains going on all over the world! Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and much more. Happening all over the world on a daily basis. JESUS said this would happen.

I personally believe in a pre-tribulation Rapture! And I believe it will happen very soon. Alot of signs even point to the Rapture happening any day now! Thats how close I really believe we are!

Tribulation will start soon! Please give your life to JESUS now so you don't have to go through tribulation! We are so close!

If you dont believe me look up the UN 2030 agenda and the UN common agenda. Everything the Bible says is going to happen is already in the works. Look it up for yourself if you dont believe me. Everything is lining up exactly!

They have already built a one world religion complex!

It's right in front of you! Leaders all around the world say new world order right infront of everyone on the news all the time!

Cryptocurrency has made it possible and paved the way for a new 1 world currency!

The Jews have everything ready to start building the 3rd temple. The just got 5 more red heifers from Texas. They will build it. They will name a false Messiah that will be the antichrist! Get ready!

Everything is coming together exactly as the Bible says.

Being a good person under human standards does not get you into Heaven!

We are all sinners. The Bible says non are righteous not even 1. The only sinless person to ever walk the earth is Jesus! He was the spotless lamb of God!

God gave us the 10 commandments to let us know what sin is! And the punishment for sin is death! So we are all guilty of crimes worthy of death in GOD's law.

Praise GOD! Because He loves us so much! He give us a way out! He paid our fine and took our punishment upon himself! All you have to do is accept it!

He sent his only SON Himself in human form to pay our debt and die for us on the cross.

All you have you do to be saved is:

1. Ask for forgiveness of your sins and turn away from sin.

This does not mean your still not going to make mistakes but when you do you ask for forgiveness and try your best to do better.

2. Believe in your heart that Jesus died for you and raised himself from the grave 3 days later.

3. Put your faith in HIM! Tell him you accept him as your Lord and Savior!

HE will send HIS HOLY-SPIRIT to come live inside of you and guide you through this life!

That's it. He does not ask for a lot. He loves you more then you can even imagine! All he wants is a personal relationship with you!

He loves each one of us like his own children. Imagine how you would feel if your child would not accept the best gift you could ever give them. Eternal life! But instead rejects the free gift and instead is going to spend eternity in torment in hell.

Please accept God's free gift of salvation!

The Grace of GOD is amazing! None of us deserve what he done for us. Be he did it anyway because he loves us so much!

If the Rapture happens before tribulation like I truly believe it will. And you are left behind. God still loves you! Start living for him and do not under any circumstances take the mark. If you make it through tribulation without denying him/taking the mark. Or die for him by refusing to deny him/take the mark. You will make it to Heaven.

I love you and best of all GOD and JESUS in Heaven love you so much that HE took your sins upon him self and JESUS died for you and raised himself from the grave 3 days later. Never forget that!