The Gospel!

JESUS loves you! Truly seek GOD and you will find him! I promise you HE is real and JESUS is our Savior! 

First things first, you must know why you need a Savior! We all need a Savior because we are all sinners! GOD gave us the law, the 10 commandments to show us what sin is. The punishment for breaking that law is death!

If you have lied, stolen anything even small, said the Lord's name in vain (used it as a curse word), committed adultery, etc. You are guilty of breaking GOD'S law.

JESUS even took it further and showed us HE judges the heart! If have looked at someone with lust, you have committed adultery already with them in your heart. If you have hated someone, it's the same as murdering someone in your heart. GOD knows our thoughts and what we would want to do if we could get away with it.

So we are all guilty, and not one of us are better then another. If we have broke a single law, we are guilty of all. And the punishment is death!

But GOD loves us so much! HE did something Amazing for us! He sent HIS only begotten SON, The WORD of GOD HIMSELF in human form to take our punishment for us. HE died on the Cross and rose again 3 days later. Taking our punishment for us, the punishment we all deserve. 

It's like this, imagine your in front of a judge, and owe a huge fine you can not pay. You are 100% going to jail because you can't pay it. But someone you don't even know walks in the court room and pays it for you. You are free to go because your fine is paid in full. You would be so grateful.

That's what GOD did for us! All we have to do is realize what we have done is wrong, tell GOD we are sorry, and put our trust and faith in JESUS and what HE done for us. Then HE sends HIS HOLY-SPIRIT to come and live inside of us. And HE leads us to a better life and helps us overcome sin and this world.

If you need help building your faith just let me know!

GOD is Amazing! HE will reveal HIMSELF to you if you ask!